Customer Proprietary Network Information (CPNI)
Protecting Your Personal Privacy
Dumont Telephone knows how important personal privacy is to our customers. To protect your privacy, we keep all account information strictly confidential to the fullest extent possible and use industry-accepted technology to safeguard customer data. Recent changes in federal law concerning telecommunications companies regulate the use of account information to selectively market specific products and services to specific customers.
What kind of information are we referring to?
This information, legally referred to as Customer Proprietary Network Information (CPNI), includes data such as which long-distance carrier you have chosen, what calling features you use, and which calling plans, if any, you have subscribed to.
Who uses this information and is it protected?
Only Dumont Telephone can see or use this information. It is never released to outside companies. You have the right, and we have the duty under federal law, to protect the confidentiality of this type of information. You can complete a form where you can list other individuals you want to have access to information or allow the ability for them to make changes on your account. This will restrict who we can discuss and take instruction from on issues relating to your account.
What do I need to do?
No action on your part is necessary unless you wish to restrict Dumont Telephone’s use of this type of information to contact you for the purpose of tailoring our service offerings to your individual needs. Should you wish to restrict the use of your CPNI, please contact our office. Restricting CPNI may make you ineligible to receive information from Dumont Telephone about new products and services, packaged offerings, and various promotions.
How does this affect the services I receive?
Whatever you decide will not affect the provision of any services to which you subscribe. Your approval or denial for use of CPNI will remain valid until you tell us otherwise. Again, we only use your account information to market other telecommunication products and services the company offers, and no action is required on your part unless you wish to restrict our use of your CPNI. You will still receive monthly bill inserts, quarterly newsletters, and other publications that are sent to all customers at the same time, so you will be kept up-to-date on what is happening in the company. We look forward to being able to serve your telecommunication needs more efficiently with new products and services based on the information we know about your account.
Questions? Contact Our Team.
If you have any questions surrounding your account information and how it’s used in marketing our services, or if you wish to restrict the use of your CPNI, please feel free to contact our staff.